

Saturday, April 26, 2014

My Dnars Story


It has been so long I didn't share anything here

Few months ago (around January or February)

me and my SIL were discussing about skin care product

we used to discuss about it
I meant, every time we discussing something, skin care product was definitely one of them. hew hew
nampak tak girl memang mcm tu =p

few years back I recommend her SKIN FOOD cause I was using it before and I love it so much. the smell the texture but not the price kiki

few months ago she recommend me some local product
at first I was not interested ( sgt x support brg local >.<)
but she convinced me that this product is so much different compared to other local product
u know, i have this not good feeling about local product
cause they put illegal and toxic chemical inside there
such as mercury and hydroquinan
so I won't risk my skin for that u know

but again
she said this one is different
her friend that is working as a MO at one of the hospital in Malaysia used this product and she recommend it to the nurse and the staff.

It kind a open up my mind that it must be something GOOD that a MO using it and recommend it.

So I tried

and YES
i Love it very much


Produk dnars adalah produk keluaran bumiputera dan mempunyai kelulusan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM). Bebas bahan kimia yang merbahaya. Merkuri, hydroquinone dan benda alah yg merbahaya semua tu xde ye dalam Dnars. Ada kelulusan dari Jakim lagi sebab tu ada logo HALAL dari Jakim. Selamat dan ia berkesan! Kilang pun bertaraf GMP
Dnars skincare dapat mengatasi pelbagai masalah kulit;
♧Menghilangkan jerawat dan parut bekas jerawat
♧Menyamarkan dan menghilangkan bintik-bintik hitam dan putih di wajah
♧Mengecilkan pori-pori
♧Menghilangkan pigmentasi atau warna kulit tidak sekata
♧Memutihkan dan mencerahkan warna kulit
♧Meremajakan dan membuatkan kulit nampak flawless n glowing sgt
♧Menegangkan kulit muda sehingga anda kelihatan muda remaja
♧Menyerikan kulit wajah yang kusam

I've been using it for almost 3 months. 1 set of the product can last 3 months! Jimat jugak hokeyyy

I am proudly announce that I sell them too

In case you ladies out there
you wanna give your skin a try
to have a flawless bright skin
meh meh la beli dari kite yekkk

any inquiries please leave a comment or email me at

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