
Monday, May 07, 2012

The Royal Honey

The magnificiento of the Royal Honey

Last friday I was invited to the Skin Food Royal Honey Line Launch
Together with blogger friend, Nadea, we went to Fahrenheit 88, the place where the event was held

the front booth
near the entrance, so it was easy to find this place

the setting of the stage
simple yet so honey bee hehe

the emcee

the blue lady was from Korea, she had done make over the model (in the middle) and on the right side was the translator (Korean-English)

 explaining the differences between the spray mist and the cream one
both were to apply as make up finishing to make your face look dewy fresh and glowy


us with them

part of the honey product

honey exfoliator (left side)

honey ampoule

You can find the outlet at LG2 (Second Floor) 

Gold Kiwi Line

For men

The Honey Skin care and Make up Line

love the deco on

Last picture taken before going back

Thank you to Skin Food Malaysia for inviting us to the event! We were so grateful for the goody bag too of course!


So, if you are interested with these new product of Skin Food, you can visit their nearest outlet. Check here for outlet in Malaysia
You can also ask for sample to try out these amazing product before purchase, just to check if it's suitable with your skin. 
For more information, click here to go to Skin Food Malaysia and here to be their fan on Facebook 

Your skin deserved the best food! 

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Di suatu hari


Again entry tentang FOOD, tentang makanan! tentang Pizza!! ho-yeahh!!!

Last week yang tak brape nak last, me n my big brother poie la makan pizza hut 
actually bukan la 1st choice pun. time tu memang lapo giler la. pastu memasing tanya 

"ko nak makan nasi ke bukan nasi" 

pastu memasing pun malu nak cakap hasrat sebenar di hati 

"aku ikut je ko nak makan pe"
"aku tak kesah ko nak makan pe, ikut la"


"ko nak makan pe dik?"
"ikut jojo la adik tak kesah"


"jo nak makan pe?"
"ikut adik la jo tak kesah"

kalau nak ikutkan conversation cam ni memang sampai subuh besok la kitorang kebulur

last-last redah la sini

tak tau la plak Garlic Breadstix ni dah takde. Al maklum dah lama tak makan pizza kannn

ni la pengganti nyer...
hidangan pertama yang sampai seperti biasee

ni la pizza 3D yang baru tu. Sedap gak la. Lagi sedap kalau ada orang belanja
kui kui kui kui

big brother merasmikan

sporting ok angkat pizza pelan-pelan sebab nak kasi gambar cantikk

"cheese dikk cheese dia dikkk cepat cepat!!"
hamboiii -.-

senyuman sebab dapat pizza ngengengenge

i punye!

soup yang lambat sampai. 
sampai hati korang hantar soup time kite dah kenyang tau...

platter yang chicky & cheesy 

si abang mengorder ini sebagai tambahan
ia kelihatan sangat lazat

dan memang sah lazaattt

i hanya minum ini
selain kenot drink carbonated drink, ini juga satu langkah penjimatan ketika perut ngengade minta benda mahal

K, bila lah dapat makan pizza lagik yekkk

Pizza dan Teksi Kuning

Yellow Cab Pizza


Beberapa minggu yang lepas, kitorang decided nak makan Yellow Cab Pizza.
Ceh dah beberapa minggu baru nak hupdate sekarang? 
Kitorang memula tu plan baekk punye nk pegi Taipan branch, pastu bile google eh eh macam dah tutup plak tempat tu.
Maka Plan B harus dibuat on the spot.
cari punye cari kitorang pun redah je pegi Yellow Cab Pizza yang kat Jalan Raja Abdullah
Rupenyer dekat jekkk ngn opis Nuffnang
*if i knew from the beginning -.-'

meh layan gambarsss

orang paling hensem kena order

ni jek la menu hot drinks yang ada. Khas untuk orang macam Farah yang tak leh minum carbonated drinks sob sob

minuman mereka yang 'muda'

the menu

FYI, size pizza kat sini larger compare dengan pizza tempat lain. Dorang ni siap leh compare ngan size viva lagikk. Last kitorang order 14'' ala-ala besar tayar kereta (comparison kau bukan mainn)

classic ke specialty? berjam gak la pilih. first time kann nak rasa

minuman orang 'tua' sob sob

jeng jeng jeng

half is Tribeca Mushroom and another half is Roasted Garlic & Shrimp

tangan pun nak bergambar kann

amek amek jangan tak amekk

dapat la merasa kan pizza nii

ni la vespa kuning. delivery boy pakai ni okk hantar pizza kat koranggg. kelasss uuu

Yellow Cab Pizza

Secara ringkasnya Farah dan kengkawan puas hati makan kat sini. Pizza dia sedap, roti lembut dan puas makan sebab besar portion dia. So memang tak rugi try makan pizza ni.

But hope after this perbanyakkan lah cawangan kt KL and area Selangor ni supaya kitorang leh selalu order kalau malas nak keluar ahaks

p/s: ada sesape nak blanje saya makan pizza tak?
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