It's 31th December 2011 already. The last day for 2011. The last Saturday for this year.It's not the end as tomorrow will be a new chapter.
So, are you ready? Do you really ready to begin the new chapter of your life?To be a better you? To improve your life?Do you? Do you?*tanya ulang kali macam nak kena peel telinga
As for me,Farah memang dah start new chapter everydayYesterday was my last day working as RA cum PA in my first serious job*job before ni serius gak just its my job outside UMSo kire macam "eh eh tak percaya plak aku kan"
I have no intention to find other job at the momentBukan la cik ni nak lepak goyang kaki je kat rumahbut I have more important things to settle down before I can give my full commitment in my carier*ewah terasa dewasa plak
FYI, today also is my mummy's birthday.
last minute cake! =p |
I hope its a great day to remember before we step in 2012.
As we celebrate the birthday with family * just a simple celebration*I wish a very happy new year to those who just gave birth to a very handsome baby boy and a very pretty baby girls, to those who just get pregnant, to those who just get married, to those who just finish school, to those that just move out- move in, to those who just started work, to those who just resign (erk) and to all of you!
May these New Year bring more joy and prosperous, love and success, an may all of us be a better Muslim. InsyaAllah =)
Related Posts : 2011,
new year
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