Hello people!It's been a while since my last entry and I'm missing blogging very much.
Right now I'm feeling not very well for these past 2 days- got fever-headache (banyak main hujan)- gastric (Skip makan) and Body ache (working too much on the computer I guess)
Just for a quick sharing with you peopleWe just got back to work from a not very long holiday.I hope its not too late to wish all muslim Happy New Year! or Selamat Menyambut Awal Muharram (Bukan Awal Ashaari yek!)
Hope this new year bring us more joy, bless from Him and may we will be a better muslim. Amin....
What I did on my holiday?
After back from work I was straightly went back to my Sunway house and spent time with beloved family. My mom cooked and sure i ate a lot (tak sedar pinggan penuh dengan nasi =.=')
Saturday we were all gotong-royong clean up the house (seriously not the whole house), we just focused more on the terrace and kitchen and a little bit of hall.
When the hero and heroin came on saturday evening everything is like back to normal (la sangat)
never wanted to take her finger out from her mouth |
never trust the innocent face, u will regret! =p |
my favourite hero and heroin, the son and daughter of my older sister
Gotcha! you think it's mine is it? Ha ha ha ha
Ok Ok Sorry for the LOL
The things I wanna tell you here is that I am really MISS them a LOT. Even they are naughty but still love for them is unlimited.
On Sunday we cooked Nasi Tomato (actually it was my mom's- me just helping in fried the chicken =P)and Twilight time with besties- freezed in the cinema, first time watched in Subang Parade- its really quite cold there, you might want to bring jacket next time.
To Twi-fans out there, I wish may all of us will be patient for Part II
I heart Edward ♥
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p/s: no matter what team you're in, you're still our beloved Twi-hard fans
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nissan grand livina
erk... xpaham sgt sjujurnya...
ReplyDeletetp nice post..
lama tak jumpe diorang ke..hehe call je la...video call ke