H-E-L-L-O Pretty Ladies and Handsome Gentlemen over there. Yes you. The one who reading my blog. Thank you for all your support through FB sharing and FB like button below every post. Even though you are busy with work and study (sometimes tak sempat komen T_T) but I can still feel all the support via FB. Thank you very much again.
It's Day 9 already and the Egg White Serum and Egg White Clean Pad had proved its "ability" in removing whiteheads and blackheads, thus tighten our pores, giving us the smooth looking skin.
As you can see, the first picture is when the blackheads still there.
The Blackheads gone? Like someone said "Boleh percaya ke?"
Feel free to try yourself and you'll know it for sure =)
This one made it clear right?
I heart this picture a lot!
Si mata besar sedang gumbira ^^ |
Instead of buying for yourself, this set of Egg White Pore Line also perfect for birthday gift!
As its come with very simple but nice packaging, sure your mother or your besties love it so much!
If I received a set of beauty like this for my birthday gift, I will ask no more!
Egg White Pore Line |
To every one of you that celebrating your birthday today, I wish you more happiness in the future
* hug & kisses
Next time, I think I want to try this one, hik hik hik =p

Stay with me for more beauty stories!
p/s: Skin Food for All sweetie =)
Related Posts : blackhead,
Egg White Serum,
Skin Food,
Skin Food 12 Days Challenge,
huuhu..tngok muka k.farah fell excited to try this product..huuuuhuhu....
ReplyDeleteYe ke. Senang la kan kalau tgk live. dalam gambar tu tak nampak sangat. al maklum kamera murah je T_T.
ReplyDeletebtw tenkiu nana. hope nana enjoy jadi skin foodians gak yek ^^