“I hate black heads!”
“Who doesn't?”
Oppss suddenly screaming scolding blackheads.
“How come ada black heads lagik! Tadi sudah scrub muka okeyyyyy”
“Degil nyer!”
This is what happen to me almost every morning. *Belek-belek muka kat cermin untuk check if the blackhead still there or not*sigh...
"Black head or open comedones are caused by accumulation of excess oil in the sebaceous gland's duct. It is actually consist of keratin and modified sebum that go through oxidation that cause its black color."
Easy said, if we have the right product to clean this off, it will be no problem anymore. * I wish. (",)
Lets check it out together. Shall we?

In Egg White Pore Clean Pad, it consist of 2 steps.
1st step is "Black & Whitehead Cleansing Pad"
2nd step is "Pore-Refining Pad"
1st step is use to remove blackhead and whitehead on the nose, forehead, and chin. All we have to do is wiping on the areas after we clean our face. Wiping is must be gently with circular motion.
2nd step is used by wiping the areas after using the 1st step pack.
* Ok...that is very simple isn't it?*
So there is no reason to be lazy to try this out!
By the way, I will share the result tomorrow ok?
p/s: do not let your skin starving from nutrients

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